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Ongoing Financial Support Is Always A Concern

Whether it’s child support or spousal maintenance, the ongoing payments between spouses can be highly disputed matters. In some cases, support issues can be even more contentious than property division because the payments can last for an extremely long time. This is why skilled assistance is vital.

At , I’ve worked with clients across Edwardsville and the St. Louis Metro East in support and divorce matters for my entire career. It’s always a major issue that comes up in my divorce and family law cases. I am Alicia J. Downs, and, as an experienced attorney, I can help you get the answers you need to make smart decisions and help you successfully move forward.

What You Should Know About Spousal Support

There are various types of spousal support available in Illinois. It’s not a one-size-fits-all proposition, and can vary depending on the circumstances of each spouse. Further, it’s not awarded in all cases. Various types of spousal support are:

  • Temporary spousal support: This is for the period of time while the divorce is pending. The goal is to aid the supported spouse in maintaining their status quo during the pendency of the divorce.
  • Fixed-term spousal support: This is for more complex support situations in which it would not be possible for the receiving spouse to establish become self-supporting on their own. The court takes into consideration the spouse’s incomes and the length of the marriage.
  • Reviewable maintenance: This maintenance is subject to periodic review by the court with the recipient spouse showing their efforts to become self-supporting.
  • Permanent maintenance:  This may apply in those situations where a spouse has a long-term illness or disability preventing them from working.  In Illinois, this can apply if a marriage is over 20 years in length.

Spousal support is awarded so that each spouse can maintain a similar standard of living that was achieved during the marriage. That said, it creates tension. That tension does not have to bleed out into other topics and make the rest of your divorce difficult.

Child Support Concerns

In Illinois, the courts apply different standards to determine child support. The courts look at parenting time and the parties’ incomes. Child support can also be a complex area of concern. I can help you understand the needs of potential child support issues and advocate for a fair outcome. While support levels are set based on a child support calculator, there is room for negotiation on how to input the various factors.

I’m Here To Help You

When you need to know what’s going on and want to find a lawyer to rely on, turn to me. With my experience and attentive service, I can walk you through all of the most difficult aspects of your divorce. Call my office at or send me an email to get started.