Some couples rely on the working spouse’s health insurance plan for coverage. If you are divorcing or are divorced, you may need to consider what will happen. The information here can help you plan for your health insurance needs accordingly. Include health...
Knowledgeable, Effective Guidance
How divorce mediation is better than litigation
Going through a divorce is never easy, but it can be especially challenging if you and your spouse cannot agree on the terms of the separation. In these cases, many couples go to court to have a judge decide on their division of assets and child custody arrangements....
Steps to take after your divorce is final
Going through a divorce is stressful. You may think that once the process is over, everything will be better. However, receiving news that your divorce has been finalized can be a bit overwhelming and leave you wondering what to do next. Now is the time to start your...
What happens to your pet when you divorce?
Unlike other states, Illinois has established laws that deal with pet custody when you divorce. Regardless of how much you believe your pet is a member of the family, in most states, they are considered property. Under this arrangement, the pet is treated as property...
Making divorce and parental separation easier for very young kids
Children experience many emotional and mental effects when their parents get a divorce. Young toddlers and even babies can sense that something is different at home. If they receive no reassurance from their parents, these feelings can linger, affecting their lives...
Your child can actually benefit from your divorce
You know that one of the harder parts of being a parent is choosing what is best for your child. Getting a divorce may seem like it would be bad for your child, but it could actually be better in the long run. Staying in a relationship longer than you want can be...
If you’re getting divorced, you may want to tell your child’s teacher
It can be difficult to bring up divorce, even with your own family members. It can just be a hard conversation to have. You may be tempted to avoid talking to anyone outside of your immediate family about what's going on. You certainly do have to consider what's going...
A prenup does not mean you plan to get divorced
One of the biggest reasons that people don't use prenuptial agreements is because they feel like signing the paperwork means they're already planning to get divorced. And they're not even married yet. They just feel like it starts the marriage off on the wrong foot....
What happens to an engagement ring in a divorce?
When a couple gets engaged, thousands of dollars are often spent on an engagement ring. Many people recommend that someone intending to promote proposed spend any higher salary on just the ring. Some people buy a brand-new, custom ring when they get engaged. Others...
In divorce, can children choose where they want to live?
For parents who are getting divorced, one of the biggest questions to ask is where the children are going to live. Generally speaking, custody is going to be split between both parents. But this doesn't mean that that division is going to be perfectly equal. For...